Competition rules

  1. the contest accepts music & lyrics or lyrics (only) entries – there is no Instrumental section
  2. songs must be oriented to Australian Country life, scenery, subject material and attitude. This can include romantic interest and city comparison but NOT songs with only city setting/context/subject and NOT songs reflecting life in another country.
  3. a song can only entered into one category ie a song should not be entered into multiple categories (please note exceptions in ”4,5,6&7” below)  PLEASE DO NOT PUT YOUR NAME ON ANY LYRICS SHEETS.
  4. If a song is entered into one category but is also suitable for either the LOCAL HEROES & EVENTS, YOUTH or the writer qualifies as a NEW SONGWRITER (see entry criteria below) then that song can be entered into these categories as well.  
  5. If you qualify as a Youth writer (under 18 yrs) and you have a commercial release it is possible that you can enter the New Songwriter category (see entry criteria below) with that same released song.  
  6. Any songs entered in any category can be entered again in the LOCAL HEROES & EVENTS category (if applicable).  
  7. Songwriters that qualify as New Songwriters and enter songs in New Songwriter category are also able to enter those songs into any categories (that are appropriate) except for Novice or Youth (if the writer is over 18 years).
  8. If you enter a song into any category you are not able to enter the lyrics (of that song) into the LYRICS ONLY category.  
  9. Entries for categories (except the new OPEN category) must be written by an Australian and/or New Zealand resident /citizen. If you are an Australian/New Zealand citizen/ resident and you are located overseas or in Aust/NZ you are able to enter the competition. 
  10. The new OPEN Category:  has been created for those Australian and New Zealand residents/citizens who have created work with co-writers who are not Australian or New Zealand residents/citizens.  Rule 2 still applies regarding content/ subject and the entrant MUST be an Australian or New Zealand resident/citizen. If you wish to enter a Bluegrass Song then enter it into this Open category. 
  11. Cover versions of others work will NOT be accepted.  This includes the use of poems or lyrics written by others not of your nominated songwriting team, re-arrangements or re-working of songs written by others (not of your songwriting team).  These songs will NOT be acceptable as this is a Song writing Contest for original material (both lyrics and music).  However, entries will be accepted from appointed agents/representatives and/or publishers of an eligible writer. 
  12. Songs maybe recorded outside Australia and may include backing musicians/vocalists from outside Australia.  The competition is about song writing not production or recording.  
  13. The songs must be submitted with an MP3 (128kbps) and a pdf (for lyrics) via the online entry platform provided by Song Central.  All entries to this competition, must be via online.  
  14. The judge’s decision is final and the TSA will not enter into any discussion regarding the results, rules or the process of the competition.  
  15. In entering this contest the entrant has deemed to have read, understood and agreed to the rules associated with entering the TSA Song writer Salute Awards competition.    
  16. The TSA cannot be held responsible for any perceived digression or non-compliance in any matter.
  17. Offensive material, or songs containing language not deemed to be acceptable by the judges i.e. swearing / foul language will not score well in the competition – so don’t waste your entry fee.
  18. Trophies will be awarded to the writers of a winning song.  A maximum of three trophies will be awarded to the writer and any co-writers.  Should more than three co-writers be involved, additional trophies may be ordered from the TSA at cost to the winning team.
  19. The awards will be presented in January at the TSA Concert and Awards Show in Tamworth.  All finalists will be notified prior to the Awards.  Should they not be able to attend the Awards they will need to arrange for a representative to be present on the night to accept their Award on their behalf.  Any transport of an Award from Tamworth will be done at their own cost.  Please advise the TSA via email if you are not able to attend the Awards and who your nominated representative will be to collect your Award Email 
  20. Any song not accepted or declared ineligible will not generate a refund to the entrant.
  21. A previous winning song cannot be entered again in any category.


CATEGORY Information

All categories are suitable for released or unreleased songs except for the NOVICE and NEW SONGWRITER category where restrictions apply.  Please refer to items below in relation to NOVICE and the NEW SONGWRITER categories.

 There is a new category the OPEN category (see rule 10 above).

  • NOVICE – the ‘Garry Koehler Commemorative Award’ is a restricted category whereby only unreleased material from a writer and/or team of writers who are considered to be Novice writers ie they have not won a songwriting contest or released song(s) for sale and are not published writers.  
  • YOUTH – the ‘John P Toomey Commemorative Award’- is a restricted category for entrants under the age of 18 years (at the time of entry).  Songs entered into this category can released or unreleased songs.  Any song entered into this category may be also entered into other general open categories. 
  • LYRICS ONLY- the ‘Geoff Mack Commemorative Award’ this category is for ‘stand alone’ lyrics (released or otherwise)
  • BUSH BALLAD – the ‘Bev Daniel Commemorative Award- open category  (A song with simple chord pattern or musical arrangement sometimes with no chorus or bridge. There must be a story, rural/outback based. The lyric is foremost to the music.  Instruments are usually acoustic, think “campfire”. Examples Slim Dusty “Leave him in the Longyard”, “Laughter in the Hills”, “Fire of Gidgee Coals”)
  • TRADITIONAL COUNTRY SONG/BALLAD– the ‘Eric Watson Commemorative Award’– open category (A Traditional Country Song has lyrics that tell a story, the arrangement complimenting the delivery and more musically developed than Bush Ballad. The story again rural based/relationship based and possibly with a more modern setting. Examples, Sara Storer “Beautiful Circle, Adam Harvey “A Shake of the Hand” John Williamson “Chandelier of Stars”)
  • OPEN– for songs entered by Australian/New Zealand residents/citizens who have co-writers  from other countries also this category is where you may enter Bluegrass songs-in both cases rule 2 will apply
  • GOSPEL/SPIRITUAL – for uplifting  songs or those with a religious nature
  • COUNTRY ROCK – Rock songs with a country flavour generally up-tempo
  • COUNTRY BLUES – Typical Blues genre
  • ROCK BALLAD/ALT COUNTRY BALLAD – Slower rock songs and Alt Country genre
  • LOCAL HEROES & EVENTS – the ‘Johnny Ashcroft Commemorative Award’- open category.  This category is for writers whose subject is either an individual, or a group ie stockman, doctor, paramedic, police, fire fighter/s, soldier/s, Lifesaver/s, Volunteer or citizen or an Event involving Australians – who the writer feels should be honoured with a song.   The TSA provide support to Legacy by donating half the entry fees for this category to Legacy.
  • TSA NEW SONGWRITER OF THE YEAR – The new Songwriter of The Year Award for a team or individual is to recognise and promote new talent in Australian Country Music.  There is a cash prize of $1000.00 for the winning song only plus up to three trophies.  This award is for original material, lyric and melody and has date restrictions as well – the song must be commercially available/released from the last 12 months.  Entrants (along with each member of the songwriting team) must have had their first commercial release within the last 5 years prior to the close of this competition ie between the 1st October 2019 and the 30th September 2024.   Any Song entered must have been commercially released after 1st October 2023.  Commercially released means that the song is recorded and a copy of that recording is available for purchase through any medium including private sale.  Entrants may be asked to provide information to this effect.                          



Additional AWARDS

Country Song of The Year: There is an award for Country Song of the Year. The song will be selected from the winners of all the sections and will be selected by a special panel. The award will be a separate presentation on the night of the Awards.

Radio Presenters Award:  This Award is the result of a survey of selected Radio Presenters across Australia nominating writers who have produced (in the Presenters’ opinion) a fine body of work during the last 12 months.


All entries will be judged by various panels selected by the TSA from the music industry. A panel of three judges shall be involved in the judging process. Each member of the panel shall score the song on an overall basis. Semi finalists will be judged again by a different panel to determine the finalists and the eventual winners.


Winning songs in all sections will receive a TSA trophy and $200 cash. 
The winning entry of the TSA New Songwriter of the Year Award will receive a TSA trophy and $1000 cash.




Additional AWARDS

Country Song of The Year: There is an award for Country Song of the Year. The song will be selected from the winners of all the sections and will be selected by a special panel. The award will be a separate presentation on the night of the Awards.

Radio Presenters Award:  This Award is the result of a survey of selected Radio Presenters across Australia nominating writers who have produced (in the Presenters’ opinion) a fine body of work during the last 12 months.


All entries will be judged by various panels selected by the TSA from the music industry. A panel of three judges shall be involved in the judging process. Each member of the panel shall score the song on an overall basis. Semi finalists will be judged again by a different panel to determine the finalists and the eventual winners.


Winning songs in all sections will receive a TSA trophy and $200 cash. 
The winning entry of the TSA New Songwriter of the Year Award will receive a TSA trophy and $1000 cash.